This is an excerpt from an email to an ALT friend. I enjoyed writing it and thought others might like the concept as a fantasy, too.
The names people give horses are pretty wild. If you appreciate this little vignette of a story, let me know in the comments what kind of a name you would want for yourself if you were a thoroughbred. And while you are on it: just what is your opinion on carrots?
.....letter excerpt follows......
In other news, this talk of whips got me thinking. If you agree to bring yours, let's wrestle for it. Loser agrees to let their ass be ridden as if they were a horse in the final stretch of a Breeders' Cup race.
Mmmm. Imagine being on all fours with a bit gag in your mouth. As you get rhythmically ass fucked, a whip is urging you onward towards the finish line of a sweaty orgasm. *g*
The good news is that any horse that runs a good race gets a nice cool down massage as a reward for their aches and pains. I used to ride horses regularly and I still remember how to treat these magnificent animals. First, I'd take your reins and tie the end to a hitching post. (Or bed post, what ever is handier.) Next, I'd wipe away any lather and throw a blanket over your back. Then I would proceed to rub down the knots in your shoulders and flanks. And if your knees or ass feel abused by the ride, we'll rub in some nice healing ointment and kiss them better.
I hope you've already got a horse name picked out for yourself, my sweet. And let me know how you feel about carrots...
I've already picked out your bit and racing colors (click the above picture for an enlarged view), but I might be getting ahead of myself. I probably shouldn't assume victory. It's hard to imagine losing a tussle for the whip, but you might have a few magick spells up your sleeve. Failing that, getting a firm grip on my balls is likely to give you that critical edge in a tussle.
But fair is fair, if you win. Dig that strap-on cock out of your drawer and ride my bucking ass like you own it. With the right jockey, the odds are 2 to one that Warlock's Christmas Blues can be the first to cum across the finish line. Please just note that I happen to prefer apples to carrots after we leave the winner's circle. *g*