I came across Kendrick Lim and his art gets two thumbs up from me. As it happens, most of his art isn't really fetish themed - but this particular piece (click any picture below to get a full size image) is a sexy fusion of sci-fi and BDSM.
The above picture also definitely reminds me of the adult comic artist Ferres. An image of hobbled women being pulled along by leads attached to what I assume are rings piercing the labia or clitoral hood is something straight out of Ferres' twisted playbook.

It can be easy to criticise Ferres on several levels. The women of his adult comics all have a similar look and body measurements, so the monotony might taint your arousal with a nagging feeling of increasing boredom. The effect is not dissimular from looking at a series of Playboy centerfolds: they eventually all start to look identical and devoid of any personality. That said, as long as you actually prefer interchangeable curvy subs with gravity defying big breasts, then you're going to be in absolute heaven. More pics after the break.